Angola, located in Southwestern Africa, remains a mystery to most tourists. Due to stringent visa policies and ongoing conflict, Angola is closed off to most visitors. Within its borders lies a variety of unique landscapes. This includes an expansive coastline, towering rockfaces, lush national parks and Africa’s second-largest waterfall, along with fascinating remnants of the Portuguese colonization.

Quick Facts about Angola
- Capital City: Luanda
- Language: Portguese
- Currency: Angolan Kwanza (AOA)
- Climate: Dry/ wet climate
- Best time to visit Angola: June to October
- Fun fact about Angola: Angola has one of the youngest populations in the world, with over 70% of Angolan people being under 24.

Overview of Angolan Cuisine
- Culinary influences: Portuguese, Brazilian, Democratic Republic Congo
- Common ingredients in Angolan Cuisine: Beans, rice, pork, chicken, cassava, tomatoes
- National dish of Angola: Moamba de Galinha is a chicken stew made with red palm oil, garlic, okra and hot pepper.

Popular Angolan Foods
- Kizaca- boiled cassava leaves mixed with ground peanuts, stewed to develop a thick, nutty sauce
- Funge– Plain mashed cassava, commonly served on the side of dishes
- Feijão de óleo de palma– Stewed beans in a sauce made from palm oil
- Doce de ginguba– candy similar to peanut brittle
- Cocada amarela– A pudding made from grated coconut, egg yolks, sugar and cinnamon