Adventure awaits- Around the World in 5 months!

“Following your dreams isn’t always the easiest path to take in life. But it sure is the most rewarding.”

For the past eight months, I’ve had a dream. A dream to travel the world. But not just to travel for the amazing sites and the experiences, but traveling in order to make an impact on nations all around this earth. And this is how my dream to attend YWAM (Youth With a Mission) to do a DTS (Discipleship Training School) was birthed. Finally, after a lot of hard work, persistence and faith, this dream has grown into a reality for me! So on June the 23rd, I will be flying over to Denver, Colorado to start a five month adventure, spending the first two months at a base in America getting equipped for the mission field, and then the following three months traveling the globe on outreach!

I’ve put together a few Q&A’s to  go in to a little more depth what my upcoming adventure is all about.

What is YWAM? And what is a DTS?

Youth with a Mission is an not-for-profit organization for young Christians who have a heart to go out in to the world on mission and make a difference. The Discipleship Training School is a program specifically designed for those going into the mission field for the first time, to build foundations and equip individuals before going on outreach. You can read more about the program here.

Where will you be going?

I will be doing the first two months of my DTS in the mountainous city of Denver, Colorado. Yep, pretty stoked to get to go to one of the prettiest places in the USA for my training! After two months of schooling at the YWAM base, our team of about fifteen people will be jetting off on a three month, Around-the-world outreach adventure! In each place we go we will be serving the community and share the love of God in a practical and real way. It is not a conversion trip- it is simply a mission to outreach to the people in the world and show them the love of God. You’ll have to wait in suspense to find out the specific countries I am going to be visiting… But so far on the list is six different countries in Central America, Europe, Africa and Asia!

What made you decide to do YWAM?

About eight months ago, after I returned from an overseas trip from Europe, I struggled to know where it was in life I wanted to go next. I assumed taking a gap year would be the cure to my confusion and would be enough time to find clarity in a university course, but nothing seemed to settle in my spirit. What’s more, my parents decided to make an international move to New Zealand, which left me wondering where it is I wanted to live and what I wanted to do with my life. That’s when my dream of going to YWAM (Youth With A Mission) began. Ever since I went on a mission trip to Cambodia when I was young, I felt a missionary calling on my life, and desired to go out and hopefully make some kind of difference in the world.  As soon as I read about this program I felt the dream inside me growing; dreams to deepen my relationship with God, dreams to go out in to the world and serve him, dreams to help those who are lost and broken, dreams to travel the world, dreams to see a world greater than my own.

What do you think will be the most challenging part about the next five months?

Probably being away from a comfy bed and a constant supply of  tea… No, in all seriousness, I think its going to be a massive challenge in every area of my life- physically, emotionally and spiritually. Getting out of the zone I live in so comfortably and facing up to the realities of this world is not going to be a walk in the park, but I know it will be something that is eternally rewarding.

How have you saved up the money for this adventure?

It has been an incredible journey and test of faith in preparing for YWAM. My move to New Zealand was motivated by knowing I needed to live at home and save up all the money I could to fulfill my dream. I’ve been working two jobs and continuing to run my photography business in order to save every penny towards this trip. Recently, I have put the call out for donations and sponsorships to get me over the line to achieve my financial goal. I have been absolutely blown away by the financial generosity of the people in my life! I can’t emphasize enough how grateful I am to every single person who supports me on this journey, even if that’s just by reading my blog.

Will you still be blogging whilst you are on your trip?

I am definitely intending to! I have big dreams to see PDPP developing and expanding over the next year, so I will be making every effort I can whilst I am on this trip to continue posting and building up PDPP. This being said, whilst I am on outreach, the amount of access/ time I will get on the internet is a big unknown so posts might slow down over this time. But do not fret! Luckily, in this crazy age of social media madness, there are a million different avenues in which you can follow my every move:

So please, join me on this crazy adventure, as I jet off around the world for five months on a mission of a lifetime!

Nicola x

Nicola Easterby Bio Image

Hey, I'm Nicola!

I am a travel and food content creator on a mission to discover the best destinations & dishes around the world. Thanks for joining the adventure!


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